Discover St, New York, NY 10012, USA Opening Time: Mon-Sat: 09.00 to 18.00
Everything’s a Success, Even Failure

Everything’s a Success, Even Failure

Any successful person sees failure as a necessary part of the process. No one succeeds 100% of the time. Those who succeed do not fear failure. They see failure as an opportunity for learning and growth. Only those who do not try at all truly fail. Think about your...
Applying Other People’s Filter

Applying Other People’s Filter

You’ve seen the movies, or read the books (there are scores of them). The main character finds themself in a monotonous job they hate. They chose the career because their parents pushed them to it, or a mentor encouraged them to choose something secure. While each...
Creating an Abundance Mindset

Creating an Abundance Mindset

Positive thinking carries with it great power. As you increase your ability to think positively, your actions will follow, developing your mind into an abundant state. An abundance mind is a result of positive thinking. Just as you run to be fit, you eat right to be...
rePURPOSE your Mind with Constructive Support

rePURPOSE your Mind with Constructive Support

We’ve grown up hearing our teachers offer “constructive criticism.” We’ve been taught to accept it as an appropriate way to redirect others. Instead of using the phrase “constructive criticism” I use the phrase “constructive support.” Here’s why. Google the word...


At rePURPOSED MIND we help you discover your purpose and give you the tools you need to rePURPOSE your Mind. With a rePURPOSED MIND, you will learn how to remove the trash that blocks your way and discover the treasures within you that will bring you to your success.

Joshua Dahlstrom has been coaching for over 13 years. As a success coach, Joshua has helped hundreds of business men and women find their purpose and attain success. Affiliated with rePURPOSED MIND, My Site Marketing has the tools you need to help you advance online marketing for your business to move your business forward.