Discover St, New York, NY 10012, USA Opening Time: Mon-Sat: 09.00 to 18.00
Embrace Resistance

Embrace Resistance

In the search for success, it is easy to get caught up in a long list of things that need to be done so you can continue to move along your path to achieving your Vision. This journey, however, is not about checking off a bunch of items on a list. If it were, when you...
Rules of Purpose

Rules of Purpose

One of the greatest ways to help you on your journey to discovering your purpose is to follow The Rules of Purpose. These rules are founded on Galen Emanuel’s Rules of Improv. Each of the five rules are explained below.Rule 1: Always Say YesThe Rules of Purpose are...
Recognizing and Responding to Triggers

Recognizing and Responding to Triggers

What is a TriggerTriggers are things in your life that cause you to react negatively.  This reaction distracts you from the important things in life – your purpose, your current goals, and your focus.Everyone has something that triggers them, something that...
How Words Program You

How Words Program You

Words are powerful. Words from your past programmed who you are today, and the words you use today program who you will become. What you say to yourself, what you say to others and what they say to you affect the future you. It affects how you think about yourself and...


At rePURPOSED MIND we help you discover your purpose and give you the tools you need to rePURPOSE your Mind. With a rePURPOSED MIND, you will learn how to remove the trash that blocks your way and discover the treasures within you that will bring you to your success.

Joshua Dahlstrom has been coaching for over 13 years. As a success coach, Joshua has helped hundreds of business men and women find their purpose and attain success. Affiliated with rePURPOSED MIND, My Site Marketing has the tools you need to help you advance online marketing for your business to move your business forward.