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Act Like You’ll Stay in Business and You’ll Work To Stay In Business

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“You have the power. Purpose is success just by having been discovered.”

Joshua Dahlstrom headshot
Joshua Dahlstrom–rePURPOSED MIND Coach
Act Like You’ll Stay in Business and You’ll Work To Stay In Business | rePURPOSED Mind

Act Like You’ll Stay in Business and You’ll Work To Stay In Business

With weeks of world-wide shelter-in-place turning into months of work from home, only essential businesses stay open to the public. Quarantines and stay-at-home orders have people afraid of what will happen to our economy. Many company owners, especially owners of local small businesses, wonder if current events will put them out of business. As you consider this, you may also begin to wonder about your own business. Will you be able to stay afloat and continue to provide work for your employees? Will your business be able to survive the economic onslaught of the pandemic of COVID-19?

Well, that really depends on you.

Right now is a huge opportunity. You have the opportunity to act like your business is staying in business. When you act like your business is going to stay in business, you will take action to stay in business. These actions create an environment of progress, of moving forward, of belief. Your attitude will completely change. It will direct all the decisions you make toward positive outcomes. Your attitude will affect the way that you deal with other people, especially the way you deal with your clients.

“You have the opportunity to act like your business is staying in business.”

You accomplish this by keeping an abundance mindset. With this mindset, your belief that you will continue moving forward will hold you to the idea that you are going to stay in business. You know you will weather through this and make it a great opportunity. It all begins with believing you will stay in business and then acting like you will stay in business.

The results will come from wherever you put your energy and focus.

You can apply this to your business and your life. If you act like this pandemic is an opportunity for you to do whatever it is that you’ve been putting off, whatever it is that you desire, then you will refocus your efforts toward that accomplishment. If you act like this world-wide Novel Coronavirus is the end of the world and nothing’s ever going to be the same and “Woe is me! What a problem this is,” that is exactly what it’s going to be. You create your existence based on your actions and your actions start with your thoughts. So think about abundance! Think about the blessing and movement you can create. Then take action to stay in business. Act like this is an opportunity.

“You create your existence based on your actions and your actions start with your thoughts.”

Yes! It will be different than it ever has been before.

Yes! Businesses will learn new ways to remain open.

Yes! The changes that we are experiencing are irreversible.

This will change the way we communicate with others. It will change the way we act in a group. It will even change the way we eat out, the way that we shop, the way that we interact holistically.

But it is not the end!

You can choose to embrace the change. You can choose to take the next step to make it the best thing it can possibly be. Or you can choose to reject the opportunity. You can choose to force yourself into a position where you have to deal with the consequence of that. The choice is yours! There is beauty in the responsibility of your choices. You get to decide how you respond to this economic unknown.

“There is beauty in the responsibility of your choices.”

If you act like you’re not going to stay in business, you’re not. Why? Because with that focus you will make decisions that put you out of business, intentionally or not. You will use language toward putting yourself out of business, intentionally or not. You will put into your existence the closing of your business because that is how you’re treating it.

As you decide how you will respond to this opportunity, you will learn how to handle the next one and the next one, with intent and belief that will keep you moving forward.

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At rePURPOSED MIND we help you discover your purpose and give you the tools you need to rePURPOSE your Mind. With a rePURPOSED MIND, you will learn how to remove the trash that blocks your way and discover the treasures within you that will bring you to your success.

Joshua Dahlstrom has been coaching for over 13 years. As a success coach, Joshua has helped hundreds of business men and women find their purpose and attain success. Affiliated with rePURPOSED MIND, My Site Marketing has the tools you need to help you advance online marketing for your business to move your business forward.